Physics World from the Institute of Physics has searchable physics news, articles, and an online edition of Physics World magazine. Originally the Los Alamos National Laboratory Preprint Server, arXiv.org is an archive of over 500,000 free papers on math, physics, astronomy, computer science, quantitative biology and statistics. arXiv can be searched via the form at the top of every page at scitech.quickfound.net. Phys Org carries the latest physics and physical tech news, plus general science and technology news, and discussion forums. Phys Link is "the ultimate physics resource on the web", a comprehensive site, with many links. Phys Net is a comprehensive physics portal from the U. of Oldenburg in Germany, which includes the PhysDoc worldwide physics document search, and much more. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Table of Isotopes includes the table, a periodic table, a bibliographic database, and links to isotope data. The IOP New Journal of Physics is a free online peer-reviewed general physics journal You must download the articles in Adobe .pdf format from the table of contents. American Physical Society (APS) AIP Physics History, from the American Institute of Physics, has online history exhibits about Einstein, Heisenberg, Curie, Sakharov, and the electron, plus links to many others. Galileo's Notes on Motion show the original images of Galileo's 'Notes on Motion', 270 pages, with translations from the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, in Berlin. Visualization of Special Relativity displays short animations that show what you might see if you were traveling near light speed. The Naval Research Laboratory Plasma Formulary, called the "mini-bible of plasma physics," can be downloaded in .pdf or postscript format, or you can order the hardcopy booklet free of charge. Particle Adventure is an educational site about fundamental particles and forces from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. The neutrino is an elusive particle predicted in 1931, and first detected in 1956. The Ultimate Neutrino Page has neutrino information, educational applets, links, and more. Heavy Ion Collider Animations model the action in the new Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Lab. Bose-Einstein Condensate, a newly discovered state of matter, where individual atoms merge to act like a single giant atom, described at the University of Colorado. Nanotubes and Buckyballs shows 3-D images of nanotubes and "buckyballs", more properly fullerenes or Carbon-60, named for R. Buckminster Fuller, because they are in fact microscopic geodesic structures deriving strength from tensegrity (tensional integrity). Also, links. |
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