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Archaeology Magazine An online magazine from the Archaeological Institute of America, with news, articles, photos, and a back-issue article archive.

Radiocarbon Web About 50 pages of comprehensive information on radiocarbon dating, suitable for everyone from kids to professors. The links include 130 C-14 labs.

Archaeology Fieldwork A list of archaeological fieldwork opportunities, both paid and unpaid.

Catalhoyuk (professional) A 9000 year old village in Turkey, with an excavation database. This site documents the robotic exploration of the pyramid of Cheops. There are many graphics, including CAD drawings of pyramids.

Virtual Mummy Images from tomography (3-D x-rays) of a 2300 year-old Egyptian mummy.

Theban Mapping Project is preparing a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes, covering the Necropolis and the Valley of Kings on the Nile near Luxor.

Rock Art Net Links to sites about cave paintings and other forms of rock art.

UPenn Corinth A site covering 12 years of archaeological research at Corinth, with photos, animations, and interactive excavation maps.

Nautical Archaeology The Institute of Nautical Archaeology, at Texas A&M U., has a virtual museum with over a thousand photos.

1909-1915 Congo Expedition This digital library site at the American Museum of Natural History is loaded with 2000 photos and 300 watercolors from the expedition by James Chapin and Herbert Lang (you will need Flash 5 to view the images), plus much more information from field notebooks.

Fossil Hominids A website rebutting 'creationism' with hominid FAQs and much more information.

eSkeletons Project The eSkeletons Project allows online comparison of the skeletal features of humans, gorillas, and baboons. The bones can be viewed from many angles, and skeletons directly compared.

Skulls Skulls of primates are compared with fossil hominids.

Stone Circles has information on over 100 stone circles, cairns, dolmens, and other megalithic sites in western Europe, plus archaeology links.

Stonehenge: An Astronomical Calculator Provides information and links about the most famous stone circle.

TIME Magazine, March 10, 1961, p. 44:

Kattwinkel's Heirs
    Chasing a fancy butterfly in the green wilds of Tanganyika 50 years ago, a German entomologist named [Wilhelm] Kattwinkel tumbled off a rocky edge and nearly killed himself. When he regained his senses, he found himself in an anthropologist's dream world: and erosion-created rift with layer after layer of fossils, bones, and ancient artifacts. The find was named Olduvai Gorge...

    Now, veteran Olduvai Fossil-Hunter Louis S. B. Leakey, 57, reports that he and his family last year discovered what he calls, using a phrase familiar among anthropologists, "earliest man". Leakey's earliest man is described as more than 600,000 years old, or some 100,000 years older than the Peking man or Java man. Says Leakey, a broad, rumpled, sometime Cambridge don: "My 19-year-old son Jonathan wandered across a slope during a pause in our other work at Olduvai and picked up a small fragment of animal jaw. 'You've got a saber-toothed tiger,' I said. We'd been expecting to get one. So we started a small dig, and the first thing we got was a human tooth. That's the way things are found in archaeology-- a combination of keen observation and luck."

    Working for seven months... they found remains of two humans-- a child thought to be about eleven and an adult, both of undetermined sex. From the child, there were skull fragments, a jawbone, bones from a hand and foot and a collarbone. Left from the ancient adult were some teeth, skull fragments, and a collarbone.

    The find is the latest of many in the snake-infested Olduvai. Leakey, a British missionary's son who was born in neighboring Kenya and grew up with Kikuyu children, had been scouring the gorge since 1931...

    What did those "oldest" creatures look like? The bones suggest that they had great chests, big jaws and short legs. "Beyond that," Leakey says, "your guess is as good as mine. They might have been as green as a jersey dress."


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