Chemical Search: The Chemistry WebBook from the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) provides thermodynamic data for over 5000 compounds, and ion energetics data for over 12,000 compounds, and much more. You can search the Chemistry WebBook by chemical name or chemical formula. Chemspider & eMolecules are other excellent chemistry search engines which can be accessed directly via the multi-search form above. ChemBioFinder requires free registration and a plug-in to display all of its data. PubChem provides information on the biological activities of small molecules. ChemIndustry search finds commercial and academic chemistry websites. Online Periodic Tables of the ElementsThe Chemicool Periodic Table by David Hsu has over 50 entries of quantitative data per element. The Chemicool site also includes a discussion forum, a chemistry dictionary, and online chemistry tools.First posted on the Internet in 1993, Web Elements is the WWW version of computer program called MacElements, designed at the University of Sheffield in the UK, and under continual development. The Periodic Table of Comic Books is a table of elements explained in about 200 comic book pages. The Royal Society of Chemistry Visual Elements is a periodic table with 'arty' images. Other Chemistry WebsitesClassic Chemistry includes some of the most influential chemistry papers of all time, a history of chemistry calendar, links to selected sites on (mainly) the history of chemistry, and an archaic chemistry term dictionary. From LeMoyne College in New York.Organic-Chemistry.org offers users a searchable database of abstracts from eight organic chemistry journals, and information on more than 100,000 compounds. They also feature the Osiris Property Explorer, which "lets you draw chemical structures and calculates on-the-fly various drug-relevant properties whenever a structure is valid." The Molecule of the Month presents information about and 3D images of a new molecule every month. The Biocatalysis and Biodegradation Database at the University of Minnesota includes microbial enzyme catalyzed chemistry links. Polymer Macrogalleria is an entertaining introduction to polymers for all ages, with 3-D pictures and movies, and links. Polymers were first noticed in 1861, when it was found that line filters were clogged by dissolved cellulose and starches. Polymers and Liquid Crystals is a huge searchable hypertextbook at college freshman chemistry level, from Case Western Reserve University. Crystal Lattice Structures explains the most common and the most interesting of the 230 basic crystal lattices known in nature. QuasiCrystals is an introduction to crystals which do NOT have perfectly repeating structual patterns. Making Matter is a gallery if inorganic crystal images at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France, with 3-D images of inorganic materials in a tutorial format. Organometallic Chemistry is a hypertextbook of organometallic chemistry. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry is searchable online from Wiley Interscience. ChemWeb from Elsvier includes The Alchemist web magazine, weekly news, events, jobs info, and many well organized links. American Chemical Society